I’m currently studying Textile Crafts at the University of Huddersfield UK. I am in my third year of practice. I specialise in Print this involves some of the following; Screen printing Laser Cutting Designing prints directed at illustration, advertising and fashion. Drawing plays a big part in the end result. i think keeping a diary of my traces of thought and decisons is very important for me to look back on, and for other people to gain an insight. Enjoy :)

Monday 12 October 2009

Monograph WEEK 3 Robert Clarke

I've just finished a lecture on our monograph, it was mainly to help us complete our synopsis by WEDNESDAY 14TH oct.

Robert gave us lots of different ways of talking about and explaining our work. For example what drives us to do what we do? Culture, history, tradition?
There was a lot of refrences to the thought processes made while creating our work, and what direction that leads us to. Is it the choice of materials? or is it the excitment of uncovering a meaning that was'nt there at the start, but gradually unfolds as we complete a collection.

play and create- two words that came up as a inspiration, and what pushes me to create my particular collection now. The play on words within the signs, creating new signs and how this has an effect on urban landscapes. It all fits in with humour and persuadsion- as I mentioned before.

Technology- Plays a big part in my work and is what drives me to create new, fresh, original ideas.
Ever expanding technology and digital communications often changes artists works. Before I started working with Photoshop and got confident enough to produce final pieces of work, my work last year looked completely different and sent out a totally different message. It potrayed me as a different artist altogether. But now I've found a practice that really fits me and helps me communicate better through my work, I feel my work as a whole has improved from the last two years at university studying textile crafts.
However I don't want to stop there, I don't want to hold back and hesitate away from trying other new technology and programms. I don't want to think that this is it, I've found something that works for me and gets me the end results that I wanted.
I am trying to express a certain style within my work, this being graphic, edgy, stylish new and fresh - and the best way to achieve this is through the use of technology. However my first initial drawings are always crafted by using traditional materials such as pen, ink paper. Without this first stage of sketching ideas I could never complete the journey up to designing.

These are a few ideas I could note down and maybe consider putting them into my monograph.

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